Student Health Benefits is responsible for ensuring that all Cornell students meet the university's health insurance requirements. We also manage and provide support for those enrolled in Cornell's Student Health Plan (SHP), Dental Plan, and Vision Plan. Learn more about who we are.
We have your health insurance covered!
SHP Plan Information Leave of Absences and Graduation Download/ Print Insurance Cards Dental and Vision Plans 1095B Tax Information
Cornell Partners with the following services:
Login on these partner sites to enroll in or waive SHP (and check status), see your summary of benefits, download/print ID cards, find providers, and download current plan documents. *For an accommodation for this PDF, please contact
Service Type | Partners | Common Tasks |
Medical Claims Provider | Print ID Card | Claims | Summary of Benefits | Find a Provider | |
Enrollment Vendor | Login to Enroll, Waive, or Terminate Coverage | |
Prescription Claims Provider | Print ID Card | Claims | More Information | |
Optional Dental Plan | Enroll and Manage Your Claims | |
Optional Vision Plan | Enroll and Manage Your Claims | |
Ithaca & Region Student Health Care | Ithaca | WCM New York City | |
Tax Form Information | Ithaca and Cornell Tech Login | WCM Login |